Plutos What You Need: Your Amiga Computer Disk Drive Color Monitor Joystick Loading the Program: 1. Plug a joystick into port 2. If you intend to play the two-player game, plug a joystick into port 1 as well. 2. Turn on your monitor. 3. Insert a Kickstart disk (version 1.2) into the disk drive. 4. Turn on the computer. 5. When the Workbench prompt appears, eject the Kickstart disk and insert eh plutos disk into the disk drive. The game will load automatically. Mission Briefing: Once the game has loaded, press 1 for a one-player game, or press 2 for a two-player game. Both players start the game with four lives. Extra lives can be won in the course of the game. Your mission is to destroy as much of the alien fortress' defenses as you can. You are awarded 50 points for every object destroyed, except for the special 500 point bunkers (labeled 500) which are found throughout the game. Some objects may take more than one hit to destroy. Collision with tall structures will damage your ship. These can be recognized by the size of their shadows. Your ship rapidly consumes fuel as you fight, so you will need to find fuel dumps as you progress. A fuel dump is marked on screen with a large letter F and can be accessed by your ship by firing into it. Occasionally, you will see mystery zones labeled ?. These zones, when shot enough times have a one in four chance of awarding an extra life. Pause and resume the game with the Space Bar. Each time you are shot by or collide with an alien ship or building, you lose one life. This also temporarily activates your shields...just long enough for you to get out of a tight spot. Once you have passed through a level, you must blind the cybernetic sentry guarding the passage to the next level. The sentry can be blinded by destroying its eyes - each requiring several shots. If you succeed in blinding the sentry, you are awarded 5,000 points and an extra life, and you proceed to the next level. If you fail to blind the sentry, you will start over at the beginning of the current level. The Two-Player Game Two-player action is simultaneous - the players each control an attack ship. Neither player can shoot the other, but must compete for resources and points. As long as both players are alive, their ships consume half as much fuel as in the single-player game. These docs are brought to you by The Southern Star.